'Jumpstart Your Art Licensing 2' Companies Directory
- Directory of companies accepting artist's submissions + Bonus Guide
Part 2 of the popular companies guide with BRAND NEW resources! This guide has been created to save you loads of time in your art licensing business. It will quite literally -Jumpstart Your Art Licensing!
Download it and start using it today!
This guide is perfect if you're new to art licensing but will also help those who don't have loads of time to research companies.
- Instant download
- 140 Resources
- 103 Companies accepting art & design submissions
- BONUS Guide of 37 resources - Art Agents, Trend Resources, a link to a FREE Contract & websites to get your art featured.
- Companies accept a variety of different styles - traditional, modern, painterly, graphic, cute, etc.
- 20-page PDF guide, beautifully designed
Breakdown of Contacts in 'Jumpstart Your Art Licensing 2' Guide
- Greeting Cards (13)
- Stationery & Gifts (10)
- Gift Wrap / Paper Products / Party / Packaging (5)
- Crafts (3)
- Fabric (5)
- Wall Art (17)
- Wallpaper (4)
- Apparel (9)
- Puzzles (10)
- Home Decor & Garden (4)
- Homewares / Tableware (3)
- Toys & Apps (2)
- Design Studios (3)
- Editorial (4)
- Publishing (11)
TOTAL = 103 Companies
- Art Agents (21)
- Trend Resources (11)
- Get Featured Online (4)
- A link to a Contract (1)
TOTAL = 37 Bonus
Please NOTE -
- This is a digital item. No physical guide will be shipped.
- This PDF is password-protected - the password will be sent to you with the guide in a zipped folder.
- Please DO NOT SHARE this PDF with anyone else - it has taken years of research to create this and I am a small artist making a living (just like yourself).
- This PDF is non-refundable due to it being a digital product.
- The information in this guide is up to date as of 2024.
- This is a special introductory price - similar guides are priced much higher.